Jacklyn Foster - Behind The Brush

Welcome to the FIRST Behind The Brush blog for 2022! 
I trust you all had a lovely Christmas and had fun bringing in the New Year.
Today we have an award winning artist, the one, the only - Jacklyn Foster. *crowd goes wild*

I stumbled across her work exactly a year ago, back in January 2021 when she was painting a Uoo Uoo for the Royal Children's Hospital 150th Anniversary Art's Trail. I fell in love with all of the different shapes and colour palettes she used in her work.

Since then, she's grown in her work and has done some amazing stuff this past year...which includes winning an emerging artist award, having her work featured in the Block Shop and starting her own podcast - The Jacklyn Foster Art Podcast.
Pour yourself a glass of Moscato, sit back and enjoy hearing from Jacklyn! 


Hey lovely, tell us a little bit about yourself!

Where are you based? What do you do? When did you start and how did you come to do what you do?  

I grew up in rural Victoria, in Mildura and now live in Geelong. I won almost all the colouring in competitions I entered. I was the high school DUX in Studio Arts, Art and Visual Communication and I sold my first painting at 16 years old, my final year 10 art project… I bought a Razor scooter with the money LOLLLL (I rode it once).
I was incredibly talented and passionate about art, however I felt the societal and family pressure to get a degree, to find a “real job”. Art never felt like a viable option. So I moved to Geelong when I was 18 to study Occupational Therapy. A degree I hated right from the start. I wanted to quit, but told myself I hadn’t given it enough time, but then close to the end, still hating it, felt like I had come too far to quit. Until my intuition kicked in and I left 3 weeks before graduating. Enough was enough, I had a dream I had to chase. It took me 5 years of studying for a health degree, leaving merely 3 weeks before graduating to find my way back into art, my childhood passion, love, and dream.

Fast forward to now, I worked part time balancing art and work for 18 months, building my art career and then 9 months ago I went full time as an artist, art teacher, creative mentor to upcoming emerging artists and muralist. I have a wonderful assistant who is a dream, and has become the biggest asset to my business. I specialise in abstract acrylic still life pieces.


Jacklyn Foster Art


Is this currently a side hustle or your full time job? And because I'm nosey, what was your previous job?

This is my full time job, I even have staff (how wild right?) I have a wonderful assistant who helps me a day a week. Well, I have been a Jack of all trades (yes, see what I did there). I was a pharmacy assistant for 7 years, a lifeguard, receptionist and sales memberships consultant at a pool, and mentored young people in AIME (Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience) and a mentor at Deakin Engagement Access Program. So, I did a bit before I became a full time artist. Most of those jobs were while I was studying Occupational Therapy at Deakin.

What do you primarily use for your work? Paint, digital, ink? Why is it your preferred medium?

I work primarily in acrylic paint, I mainly use Mont Marte and Dulux paint. But I also use wax crayons, fine liners and occasionally oil pastels to add details.

In ONLY 3 words, how would you describe your art?





What do you LOVE most about your art?

I love how colourful the pieces are, and that because the pieces are abstract, no two people will interpret them the same. I also love how recognisable they are. That people can look at them and go "that's a Jacklyn Foster original!".


When in your life did you have the "I've made it" moment. I want to hear your biggest highlight in your biz so far!

Oooft, can I name a few? Winning the "Emerging Artist Awards 2021" at Fortyfivedownstairs gallery in Melbourne. I did a painting of a happy meal box called "We Have Food at Home". It was my first ever still life artwork and it kicked off my love of creating still life.

And then a close second was painting the statue for the Royal Children's Hospital 150th Anniversary, my Uoo Uoo "Art Can Change Your World" was auctioned off for $11,000 which went to the hospital, but, one of the best bits was where it was placed in the Queen Victoria Gardens, right across from the NGV, and people I didn't even know, who followed me would go visit it and send me photos.

That was definitely right up there in my "I've made it moments".... ok one more, when I first got recognised, by a drunk lady at a wedding we were at (she was a hoot and she loved my work), my husband was dumbfounded watching the encounter occur, it was pretty funny, but also one of the best moments. I get recognised more frequently now, but I will never forget that first time.

Jacklyn Foster Art

Where do you draw inspiration from?

Life, I know that sounds very cliche, but from what is going on around me, and how I am feeling at the time. During 2021, my pieces were heavily influenced by how much I was missing my friends and family. A lot of the work revolved around the ceremonies and rituals we have in spending time together. Living in VIC during the pandemic was really tough, it will be interesting to see how this evolves now we are no longer in isolation and constant lockdowns.

Alright, skies the limit...who/what is your dream brand collab? What would it be?

My absolute dream collaboration would be to have my artwork on Dr Martens. My followers know my love for my Doc's. I have the sandals for summers so I can basically wear Doc's year round.


Jacklyn Foster Art

So, I'm a massive celeb lover and get star struck easily....Have you ever had your art purchased/liked or commented on by someone famous? We need names 👏🏽 and 👏🏽 details. If not, who would you love to have your art hanging in their house?

My mind has gone blank, so big sorry to any celebrities I have worked with but have forgotten. My dream celeb that would have my art in their house is Noel Fielding, actually, I would love to create an artwork with him! That would be a lot of fun, or Matt Lucas, ok now I'm just naming British Bake Off hosts.

When you’re not doing your art, what would we find you doing?

I love playing soccer, running, reading, seeing my friends and family, and going out for dinner. I'm such an extrovert and working on my own a lot can be lonely! Also anything related to my dog Ruby, she is the best thing to walk this earth.

Jacklyn Foster Art

Who in the creative world do you look up to? Drop their IG handles so we can stalk them:

Brian Donnelly, aka KAWS @kaws they are my ultimate art inspiration, their exhibition at the National Gallery for Victoria, really stuck with me. Their incredible acrylic use and seeing people flooding to the exhibition is such a dream. I still regret not buying the coffee table book for KAWS when I was there.

What advice would you give to someone just starting out?

Give it a go. Just give it a crack, whatever that niggly feeling is that you want to start to pursue, just start somewhere. Baby steps are what take you places, whether it be starting a social media page for it, going to markets, buying the supplies you need. Just start. And my motto for when I try something new, or go out on a limb and take a risk is "Could be great, could be awful" it could work out better than you ever imagined, or it could go wrong and be awful. BUT focus on how it could work out, what could go right, and how could it be better than you ever imagined. You won't know until you try.

ALRIGHTY now for some Quick Fire questions 

Hot drink order: Skim cap, or a good soy chai latte
All time fav movie: This is tough because I'm really not a movie person. I find it really hard to focus for long enough! So I'll just go with my favourite TV show, Frasier or Nigella Bites. I bloody love cooking shows.  
Go to ice-cream flavour: Ben and Jerry's cookie dough and brownie
1 song you could listen to over and over again: Backstreet boys - I want it that way OR That Beep - Architecture in Helsinki 
Go to alcoholic drink: Moscato white wine
Favourite conspiracy theory: That Michael Jackson and Elvis never actually died, that they're living on some secluded island away from everyone.
Name a quirk/something weird that you do that makes you, you - (you don't have to explain...just let it out): How I will ALWAYS order the same dish from a restaurant. Good ole' faithfuls.
If you could have a dinner party with 3 famous people, dead or alive, who would they be?: Dawn French, Rowan Atkinson, David Hyde Pierce (Niles from Frasier)

Thanks sooooo much Jacklyn for taking the time out to answer these questions for me. It's been amazing learning more about you!

Want to see more of Jacklyn's work? Check her out below:




Are you a creative? Would you like to be featured? Email me with the subject line "Behind The Brush Application" at - I'd love to hear from you!

Big Love,

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