Today on our Behind The Brush blog we have proud Wiradjuri woman
This very talented young woman paints the most gorgeous portraits of Black Aunties...but with a twist. They're recreations of popular historic women in art.
So think the Girl With The Pearl Earring or Mona Lisa but as strong Aboriginal women. Way cool!
So without further ado...kick back and get ready to hear from this amazing woman that is Brandi.
Hey sis, tell us a little bit about yourself! And where are you based?
My name is Brandi Salmon, I’m a proud Wiradjuri 25 year old woman. I grew up around the Latrobe Valley and Phillp Island area in Victoria, with my 7 brothers and sister. I’m now based at nipaluna, lutruwita / Hobart, Tasmania.
What do you do? When did you start and how did you come to do what you do?
I am an artist/painter and small business owner. I run Brandi Salmon Art. My business is mainly based online at, however it is branching out to include Art Stalls and Art lessons/talks. The art that I sell and create aims to inspire and start important conversations around Aboriginal Identity in Modern day Australia, Reconciliation and Indigenous issues.
Is this currently a side hustle or your full time job? And because I'm nosey, what was your previous job?
This is my side hustle, I’m currently a Public Servant in the Public Service. I previously worked as a Koori Women’s Family Violence Practitioner supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women at Court Services Victoria.
What do you primarily use for your work? Paint, digital, ink? Why is it your preferred medium?
I love oil paint! I’ve dabbled in acrylic paint but I think oil paint will always be my baby.
In ONLY 3 words, how would you describe your art?
What do you LOVE most about your art?
I love that I primarily focus on painting strong Blak Women and Mob.
When in your life did you have the "I've made it" moment. I want to hear your biggest highlight in your biz so far!
I think when I was recently a featured artist on the
Frankie website. I used to save all my money as a kid to buy
art magazines like Frankie.

Where do you draw inspiration from?
As a proud Wiradjuri woman my Aboriginality and Mob inspire me. Working in the Legal area supporting Aboriginal women experiencing family violence also inspired me to create my business, to give strength and visibility of Mob through art.
Alright, skies the limit...who/what is your dream brand collab? What would it be?
I think my dream collab would have to be with Aborginal Artist, Jandamarra Cadd or Tahlia Stanton!

So, I'm a massive celeb lover and get star struck easily....Have you ever had your art purchased/liked or commented on by someone famous? We need names 👏🏽 and 👏🏽 details. If not, who would you love to have your art hanging in their house?
Yes! I had Brooke Blurton reshare one of my artworks on social media and Barkaa has consistently supported me as well! It was so cool seeing a pic of her with one of my Aunty Cups. I'd love my art to be hung in either Rihanna or Banksy's house.
Where would you like to see you and your art in 5 years time?
I would love for my art to be showcased in galleries (instead of my little apartment) and overseas!
When you’re not doing your art, what would we find you doing?
Either fishing with my partner or watching Married at First Sight.

Who in the creative world do you look up to? Drop their IG handles so we can stalk them:
(oh shucks! haha thanks girl!)
What advice would you give to someone just starting out?
Create consistently, don’t compare yourself to others everyone is running their own race.

ALRIGHTY now for some Quick Fire questions
Hot drink order: Medium Latte 2 sugars
All time fav movie:
The Notebook or The Colour Purple (couldn’t pick)
Go to ice-cream flavour: CHOCOLATE EVERYTHING
1 song you could listen to over and over again: Last Goodbye by Jeff Buckley
Go to alcoholic drink: Pina Colada
Favourite conspiracy theory: 911 was fake
Name a quirk/something weird that you do that makes you, you - (you don't have to explain...just let it out): I don’t finish the last sip of any drink I have, I leave it
If you could have a dinner party with 3 famous people, dead or alive, who would they be?: Jesus, Rihanna and Harret Tubman
Thanks sooooo much Brandi for taking the time out to answer these questions for me. It's been so great learning more about you!
Want to see more of Brandi's awesome work? Check her out below:
Instagram: @brandisalmon.artist