Luna Tunes - Behind The Brush

Liam - the man, the myth, the legend of Luna Tunes sat down with me and chatted all things art. Creative, painter, digital designer, head artist for House of Darwin, husband, father - this man does it all.
So kick your feet back and enjoy hearing from Liam as he shares all things Luna Tunes!
Hey mate, tell us a little bit about yourself! And where are you based?

What do you do? When did you start and how did you come to do what you do?
I went to uni - which isn't for everyone - and I hated it at first BUT eventually was really great for me because we focused a lot on the conceptual stuff. It kinda kicked me up the bum and out of my comfort zone doing video, painting, performance and just experimenting and sharing with a small community group in the class.
I think after uni I kinda fell in a hole with my art - the system pummels young people with the need to get a job and become a perfect little cog within the beast and I felt that pressure for sure. It took a big year long trip travelling for me to find the LUNA TUNES name and my real real real passion for art and it become truly fun again.
Since then I’ve just made lots of art. The pandemic was shit for lots of reasons but I was lucky enough to have a lil home studio so I just poured myself into painting. In the early morns and late nights i was just making and it was the best. I feel like I really truely fell in love with art in 2020. Just to be able to do something that makes me so ‘in it’ - that was and is a blessing.

Is this currently a side hustle or your full time job? And because I'm nosey, what was your previous job?
I also work at AIME 4 days a week from home ~ my job title is Resident Artist which is nice. AIME is a special place to work. Rest of my art time is on my own stuff.
I’ve always like having another job to sort of switch to different parts of the brain. I’m lucky to have mostly liked all my jobs - I was a dishwasher, a pool man, a burger flipper, a kids art teacher - there are some days when I miss all those jobs - and some days I don’t.
What do you primarily use for your work? Paint, digital, ink? Why is it your preferred medium?
Used to always be ink on paper but now probably paint on wood or found objects, sheets, clothes, random items. Plus I do a lot of digital now for specific parts of my work.
In ONLY 3 words, how would you describe your art?
What do you LOVE most about your art?
When I’m fully in it making it - maybe the sun is rising - music is on - hot coffee. Joy.
When in your life did you have the "I've made it" moment. I want to hear your biggest highlight in your biz so far!
Where do you draw inspiration from?
Everything - Nature, family, music, other artists, fashion, Anger, Love, Science, Books, Movies … yeah everything.
Alright, skies the limit...who/what is your dream brand collab? What would it be?
The bigger the worse for me - I’m not into big brands or businesses at all so just the more local the better.
So, I'm a massive celeb lover and get star struck easily....Have you ever had your art purchased/liked or commented on by someone famous? We need names 👏🏽 and 👏🏽 details. If not, who would you love to have your art hanging in their house?
Hahaha - The Queen of England has a Luna Tunes hanging in Buckingham Palace. No only joking. Similar to my brands answer I’d personally prefer someone who is not famous to have my art in their place. But it is always a beautiful privilege if anyone wants to hang my art in their place.
Where would you like to see you and your art in 5 years time?
OOOOO good question. I just want to be making art and art that is different to what I do now. I don’t necessarily need to progress or grow or whatever, I just want to keep making honest art that keeps my blood pumping.
When you’re not doing your art, what would we find you doing?
Love this question. With my wife and bubba (although we make art together too), in nature, watering veggies, listening to records, cooking, talking shit with friends, at Preston market, riding my bike, at the pub with my cousins, camping, hiking, raging about the world with my wife.
Who in the creative world do you look up to? Drop their IG handles so we can stalk them:
TALK TALK DIE @talktalkdie
RUBY KNIGHT @clithead
GIOVANNA DA SILVA @giovannadasilva__
MAYA IRVING @mayaairving
BARC THE DOG @barcthedog
GHOSTSHRIMP @theghostshrimp
What advice would you give to someone just starting out?
You do you. Be honest with yourself. Follow your gut.
ALRIGHTY now for some Quick Fire questions
My Mum, My wife Benny, my bubba (all very famous in my life).
Awwww man, how awesome is this bloke! Thanks sooooo much Liam for taking the time out to answer these questions for me. I love the passion you have for your art and you can see it in everything you do.
Want to see more of Liam's amazing work? Check him out below:
Instagram: @loonatoons
Portrait photograph credit: Kyle Palmer @jackpopperzzz
TUNE in again very soon...I have a BUNCH of exciting creatives ready to share their stories.
Are you a creative? Would you like to be featured? Email me at - I'd love to hear from you!
Big Love,